

40cm x 50cm x 15cm, Acrylic on canvas, Mixed Media Artwork, signed, edges of the painting are painted, finished with several coats of varnish, Certificate of Authenticity. FREE shipping
Imagine a canvas where chaos meets beauty. A fragmented artwork in shades of gold, dark yet hauntingly beautiful. This isn't just a painting, it's an experience. Bask in its golden hues as they bathe your senses and challenge your perception. Each fragmented piece tells a story, a story that is as compelling as it is mysterious. Dive deep into its haunting beauty and let it touch your soul. Become a part of the narrative and lose yourself in its captivating allure. Art is not just seen, it's felt. And this piece promises an unforgettable journey through its golden darkness #ArtJourney #GoldenDarkness

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